
Hi there! First, let me say thank you for stopping by this corner of the web to talk about leadership. It’s certainly a lifelong process and I hope that we can help each other grow.

I started The Thinking Leader because I am thoroughly convinced that people need to think. I’m also convinced that leaders must think more often and at a higher level. In my observation, if you are a Thinking Leader, you immediately stand out.

A little about me:

I am currently managing the Learning and Talent Management function at a mid-sized life insurance company. I get to work with leaders in many disciplines to help them achieve top performance in their business units. Our focus is on developing talent and driving results through dynamic teams.

The thoughts here are my own observations and ponderings about the wonderful world of leadership. I’m always looking for a story in the real world to demonstrate the principles of leadership and how they work outside the pages of a book.

Feel free to chime in when you disagree…or agree a little. I understand that the more you know about any subject, the more you realize you don’t know.

Thanks for joining me on this amazing journey!

Stephen Owens

founder, The Thinking Leader

The Thinking Leader

1 thought on “Welcome!

  1. Pingback: GenX: Millennials won’t work for it… | The Thinking Leader

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